Fire Departments The Manager of Manistee Township Fire Department is JOHN DUNLAP Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Manistee Township is located in West Michigan in the southwest corner of Manistee County. Manistee is one of 14 townships in Manistee County. US 31 extends NE, M 55 runs E/W, and M 22 goes N in the townships. The Village of Eastlake, overlooking Manistee Lake, is located in Manistee Township.
We are a growing residential community with an emerging commercial base. Our area is a unique blend of rolling hills, beautiful Lake Michigan “white sand” beaches, inland lakes, the, bayous, Huron-Manistee National Forest land, farmland, scenic landscapes, and attractive residential areas.
Manistee Township has a Renaissance Zone, allowing tax-free light industrial and commercial development. Manistee Township is home to the two largest employers in Manistee County: the Michigan State Maximum Security Oaks Correctional Facility and the. Manistee Township is a resort recreational destination in West Michigan.
The, beautiful Lake Shore Road, West Shore Medical Center, many county offices, businesses, churches, and schools are located in Manistee Township.
Fire services
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Manistee Township Fire Department in Manistee you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
Established in: 2006
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